
A geeky way to lose weight!

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As everyone in our office will be well aware I have been on a diet for the last few months – I started in October 2010 following my wife’s ‘caring suggestion’ that I was becoming a ‘fat bastard’ (sadly she was correct).

The chosen method was to use a ‘loose’ weight watchers plan. I am far too tight to pay to go to weight watchers meetings so some old weight watchers books and documents begged from friends and an app on my iPhone have done the job (plus a lot of help from my wife – thanks Wendy!)

The iwatchr app allows me to record my points intake each day, calculate how many points each item is (ie. Cadbury’s Cream egg is 3.5, an apple is 0.5). It also allows me to add any bonus points for exercise etc. Simple but incredibly helpful if you are trying to manage your food intake.

As someone who can quite happily eat a packet of biscuits in one sitting (colleagues at work can confirm this) I found this a great help in managing my diet, plus it satisfied my geeky nature!

I have also used two other apps – runkeeper for tracking bike rides and walks (a very cool app) and targetweight to record my weight loss and BMI (seeing a graph that is going down is also a help!).

The TargetWeight app tells me this morning that I am now officially ‘normal’ (debatable) and my BMI has dropped below the overweight band – everything has turned green!

So having lost almost two and a half stone now I am feeling rather smug! Just another half stone to go!